How To Delete Projects In Xcode

Deleting projects in Xcode is a great way to get rid of some clutter.

How To Delete Projects In Xcode

We’ll go thorough a couple steps to completely delete your Xcode Project

Delete Project Folder From Finder

Find your project in Finder. If you can’t find your project in Finder, open it in Xcode, then right click the project name and select Show In Finder.


To get to the project folder, you can use the keyboard shortcut CMD + CTRL + Up-arrow to go up a level.

Once you’ve found your project folder, delete it.

Delete Project From Xcode Start Screen

To delete your project from the Xcode start screen, go to File > Open Recent > Clear Menu.


This will clear the project from the Xcode start screen and recently opened projects.

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Eddy Chung

I teach iOS development on

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